Available Creations
All creations from the Divine Art department are light encoded and handmade, transmitting wonderful Source frequencies, opening up the keys&codes that are stored within the beauty that is you.
Check out the creations available on this page to find the connection meant for you, you will know by feeling it's resonance
Feel welcome to connect and find out more about details, shipment etc by sending an email to purityofcreation@gmail.com
Aurora Angelis
Dimensions: 90CM x 90 CM
Original ''Aurora Angelis'' Portal with Angel Aura Quartz crystal, pure high quality Gemstones, Gold particals and more.
This high frequency Creation is a Collectors Item, there is only one of it's kind. From our Divine art department all of the creations are infused and encoded with pure source light & lightcodes.
Clearing stagnant energies, shifting the frequency in the room, it will feel more light, harmonized and vibrant. High vibe your workspace, yoga, meditation, workshop, practitioner or Livingroom.

Sacred Sundisc Portals
Dimensions: 30CM x 30 CM
''Sacred Sundisc'' Activation Portal , light encoded with source frequencies and lightcodes, Orignial Collectors Item
The pieces take you on a journey of discovering and opening up a deep remembrance and also support in clearing stagnant energies and activating more flow.
They high vibe the space they are in, shifting the frequency in the room, it will feel more light, harmonized and vibrant.
They can be used during meditation as well, opening up the keys&codes that are stored within the beauty that is you

''Emerald Order''
Portal Home Collection
Activation Power Portals
Dimensions: 36CM x 36 CM
Activation Power Portal
Boost your home and surround yourself with source frequencies and lightcodes.
High vibe your workspace, yoga, meditation, workshop, practitioner or Livingroom.
The pieces take you on a journey of discovering and opening up a deep remembrance and also support in clearing stagnant energies and activating more flow.
They high vibe the space they are in, shifting the frequency in the room, it will feel more light, harmonized and vibrant.
They can be used during meditation as well, opening up the keys&codes that are stored within the beauty that is you
You will feel the crystalline connection if this one is meant for you

Activation Portal
Dimensions: 60CM x 60CM
Activation Portal , light encoded with source frequencies and lightcodes
Created during the most wonderful high vibe transmission they lift up, balance and harmonize the frequencies in every room.
They all work with the energy fields as well as the physical body and can also be used during meditation.
They take you on a journey of dis-covering and opening up a deep remembrance of pure source light and your divine connection.

Ancient Oracle Art

Ready to wear and support, check out available creations in the Store section by clicking on the button below.
They are real heart openers, created with Copper (Venus) and Gold (Sun)
Encoded with source codes & frequencies they activate the keys & codes within, assisting with alignment, harmonizing and straightening ones own energy field.

From our Divine art department all of the creations are infused and encoded with pure source light including lightcodes.
Created during the most wonderful high frequency transmissions they lift up, balance and harmonize the frequencies in every room.
All creations from the Divine Art department are light encoded and handmade, transmitting wonderful Source frequencies, opening up the keys&codes that are stored within the beauty that is you.
Light encoded portals - Frequency support tools, because of the way they connect and work with people. So either if it's a painting or a portal or a creation on wood, they all work with the energy field as well as the physical body.
They also high vibe the space they are in, shifting the frequency in the room, it will feel more light, harmonized and vibrant. High vibe your workspace, yoga, meditation, workshop, practitioner or Livingroom.
The pieces take you on a journey of discovering and opening up a deep remembrance and also support in clearing stagnant energies and activating more flow.
They can be used during meditation as well, they are multi-layered so there is always more to discover.
What people are experiencing:
- Feeling much more grounded and centered
- Exponential Increase of energy flow (chi)
- Being more present and connected with their body
- Aligned with-in their own energy field and center point
- Heart opening and a deep remembrance
- Different types of Activations
- Softness, Relaxation and Serenity
- More, new and a brighter inspirational flow
- More harmony and balance within their home space and family
Balancing and harmonizing, straightening one's energy field, all artwork is part of activating the keys & codes within and bringing in pure source frequencies.
Find out More, let's connect or schedule an appointment
Feel free to use the contact form below or send an email to Purityofcreation@gmail.com