''Sisters of the Rose'' AlcheMist & Oil Elixir, Sacred GiftSet
Sisters of the Rose'' Sacred Giftset
Alche-Mist & Oil Elixir
A Soft and Sacred Activation Experience, purely handmade out of natural products only
Light encoded during powerful transmission with the Sacred Rosehood & The sisters of the Rose to Activate your Divine Remembrance.
A powerful scent with the high frequency of the Rose and other wonderful herbs to create this Sacred mysterious heart opening blend
Activating your senses, bringing in serenity and peace, nourishing and supporting the physical body, uplifting your energetic bodies
- Oil 20ML
A blend of high energy herbs incl the sacred geometry and energy of the Rose and crystal oil elixir that will soften and open you up to divine love and serenity.
Opening up the Sacred Heart and deepening the connection with your Divine Self, anchoring into the high frequencies of the sacred Rosehood.
- Spray 50ML
A blend of high energy herbs incl the sacred geometry and energy of the Rose and crystal oil elixir that will soften and open you up to divine love and serenity.
Refreshing, clearing and Uplifting your Energy Field, your living space, opening up and finetuning your Senses like a warm angelic embrace
All products are infused with the highest light degrees, coded with the purity from the Rays of Creation and especially the Rose Ray to support you in Embodying and Activating your Divinity becoming your highest light expression
Supporting the physical body into relaxation, serenity and love
Also wonderful to use,
- Before meditation, to deepen your meditative state
- Before you go to sleep
- Whenever you feel some support is needed
- Add some drops to your bath water before your sacred bathing ritual
- Underneath the feet whenever some grounding support is needed
- Putt some drops on your pillow during nighttime
- Follow your inner guidens to see which area's of your physical body need some extra support, just add 0ne or two drops of Oil and gently massage in circles
High Frequency Products are handmade out of natural products only, designed, selected and Initiated with pure intent and divine frequencies
To create your own sacred temple space that feels vibrate and light, spreading love and bringing high vibes into your surroundings
To help you remember, activating the keys & codes that are stored within the beauty that is you, supporting in keeping your frequency high and life force energy flowing with ease&grace
What people are experiencing:
- Feeling much more grounded
- Exponential Increase of energy flow (chi)
- Being more present and connected with their body
- Aligned with-in their own energy field and center point
- Heart opening and a deep remembrance
- A deep sense of Relaxation
- Different types of Activations